The group de bresse of Beny Marbox (the white color variety) is the most famous French variety from the Bresse area (Rhône-Alpes).
She was bred with bright red crest, white feathers, and blue legs, the colors of the flag of France. De Bresse and the whole of France are very proud of their 3 different color pools, the bress, and this is certainly correct.
Because these chickens, when they are slaughtered, have a particularly fine and soft meat, and are very rich in flavor, it is a very popular breed in the most famous restaurants.
The breeding of the pool de bresse is very well guarded, so they can only be kept in small farms with a limit of 500 pieces per farm.
In order to keep this 500 bresse, one must have a stable of 50 m2 and a free outlet of 5000 m2, this means that every bress has 10 m2 at its disposal.
Also these chickens are slaughtered on the farm, so no 100th kilometers of transport to slaughterhouse, so no stress for the chickens.
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